Our Outreach Service

We are so fortunate at North West Recovery Communities to have 2 lived experience Outreach Support Workers.

Funded by the Corra Foundation, the outreach workers seek to be the link for people to access recovery, either for the first time, after a period of time, or whilst already in recovery but looking for new opportunities to maintain it.

They will help people engage and support them in accessing support through ADRS (Alcohol & Drug recovery service) or other treatment services, they can introduce people into fellowships and other Recovery communities.

They do regular presentations at the GADCC (Glasgow Drug & Alcohol Crisis Centre) & Eriskay on the valuable work we do in the community and how people can link in to come along and sample what is out in the community.

We work closely with all of our partner organisations using ROSC (Recovery Orientated system of care) to link people into services or programmes who may have disengaged, always looking to find a new route to recovery of their own choosing with the vast variety of options we have in Glasgow.

Our outreach team can also be found at most of the drop in cafes we run, meeting their supported people and being a friendly face for anybody new to the drop ins who might be looking for that helping hand in their recovery journey.

North West Recovery Outreach Logo

To refer in to our outreach service you can contact us to have the referral form sent out to you by email at info@nwrc-glasgow.co.uk

Or give us a call on 01413284578 (Mon-Fri 9-5) Please use our contact page at the weekends if you are looking for support and we will call you back on Monday Morning!

An image of a map showing the area covered by North West Recovery Outreach Service

We cover the area within the black border in the North West Glasgow.

If you require outreach support outside of the North West –

South Community Recovery Network

North East Recovery Community